Model Muddle

A new study suggesting that Arctic ice is melting faster than IPCC forecasts has been reported by the BBC as evidence that the IPCC is too conservative.Since 1979, the Arctic has been losing summer ice at about 9% per decade, but models on average produce a melting...

Global Warming 'Goes Up to Eleven'

Spinal Tap are to reform and join Al Gore's line up of bands playing at the Live Earth "Concert for a Climate in Crisis". You can watch the promo video here. It's actually quite funny. But that's because the jokes are not written by Sheryl Crow, and there's not much...

Is Juniper on the Gin?

When environmentalists aren't aping the war on terror ('you're either with us or against us', not to mention sexing up documents to generate an unwarranted sense of urgency) they can sometimes sound uncannily like the lunatic extremists that the war on terror is...

Just in Case

Norm has spotted a sign next to a bell in a public lavatory in Florence...Sonare solo in caso di necessità.Kindly, the proprietors provide an English translation that would seem entirely appropriate for the modern risk averse tourist wanting to prepare for the...

More Heat than Light on the Warming Swindle

Martin Durkin's Great Global Warming Swindle is in the news again following an open letter to Wag TV signed by 37 scientists. The Letter, organised by Bob Ward - former Senior Manager for Policy Communication at the Royal Society, complains about the DVD release of...

Environmentalism Spiked

Three excellent pieces from Spiked about the green movement...First, Rob Lyons' 'The IPCC goes looking for bad news' is based on an interview with Aynsley Kellow, a contributor to recent IPCC reports.'even though Kellow has expressed public disagreement with the...

Poor Thinking

Apparently, 'climate change will be worse for the poor'. Who'd have thunk it? We really don't need the IPCC WGII report to tell us that - things are always worse for the poor. And yet the report seems to have taken many by surprise.Stranger still is how this rather...

Sheryl Crow's Latest Hit Reaches Number Two

Sheryl Crow announced her plan to save the planet this weekend. As she says on her website: I propose a limitation be put on how many sqares[sic] of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don't want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given...

What the Papers Don't Say

Over at Prometheus, Roger Pielke Jr makes a good point about how the actual views of IPCC reviewers often don't make it into the papers. This sheds some light on this story, and perhaps even this one, too. It's not simply the views of "sceptics" and "deniers" that...

On the Word of No One… Except Us

Nullius in Verba, the motto of the UK's Royal Society, usually gets translated as 'on the word of no one'. That's a pretty good motto for a scientific body, the message being that knowledge about the material universe should be based on appeals to experimental...