Lib Lab Lip Service

Yesterday, the UK's third political party - The Liberal Democrats - launched their Climate Change Starts at Home campaign. Menzies Campbell unveiled bold proposals that demonstrated how upgrading Britain’s homes could reduce carbon dioxide emissions by millions of...

The Church of God the Ecologist

Late respects to the late Kurt Vonnegut (1922 - 2007) R.I.P. 1,780,000 have already said 'So It Goes'. So, we're not going to. 11,100 have cited 'The Church of God the Utterly Indifferent'. Um. Ah, hardly anybody mentions 'The Church of God the Ecologist'. Perfect. If...

How the Marxists Have Fallen (For It)

Over at Political Affairs, which promises "Marxist Thought online", an article published today warns that, according to the latest IPCC report, Mass extinction of species is likely within 60-70 years, on a scale larger than most of the five major extinction events...

In Crisis Politics, the Only Way Is Up

UK Conservative Party leader David Cameron has announced his commitment to an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050. This move 'beats' Labour's promise of a 60% reduction by the same date. Cameron's announcement follows statements by the Conservative Party's Quality...

Challenging Climate Orthodoxy…

April 2007. Since its release in February, the IPCC's AR4 (Working Group I) Summary for Policymakers has been uncritically reported in the mainstream media, and its findings often exaggerated. Because of a perception that the public mood demands action to mitigate...