Poor George Monbiot is even miserabler than usual: On the Guardian's environment site in particular, and to a lesser extent on threads across the Guardian's output, considered discussion is being drowned in a tide of vituperative gibberish. A few hundred commenters...
Ho Ho Ho Green Giantz
Thanks to George Carty for pointing us to the Energy From Thorium Discussion Forum, where someone named Klaus Allmendinger has spotted something strange in the small print of a new report from WWF and Allianz insurance that claims to rank G8 countries in terms of...
Science-Based Catchphrase-Making
The Bush administration's unorthodox stance on climate change and stem-cell research led to widespread accusations that it conducted a war on science. The Democrats' response has been to promise to 'let science guide us, not ideology', to 'make scientific decisions...
A Big Fuss About Small Change
Bob Ward is at it again. In an article for the Guardian, he writes that - shock, horror - ExxonMobil continues to fund organisations he disagrees with, even though he has told them not to. A few weeks ago, ExxonMobil revealed that it made contributions in 2008 to...
Forecast for Satire Worse Than Previously Thought
We find ourselves temporarily elsewhere and otherwise engaged. We'll be back shortly. It has not escaped our notice that there has been a couple of interesting elections recently, and that a new report for the UK government proves beyond doubt that it's very hard to...
The Illusion and Politics of Necessity
Our last post got us thinking a bit more about the WHO's attribution of 150,000 deaths a year to climate change, now superseded by the GHF's 300,000. As we said, headlines - thousands and thousands of them - were generated by the 'cause' that was least significant in...
The Age of the Age of Stupid
It is telling that parts of the environmental movement attempt to ram home their message by telling the rest of the world that they are stupid for not getting it. As we have shown here on Climate Resistance, some argue that psychological mechanisms might be to blame...
Grantham's Greenbacks
Jeremy Grantham is very rich and very worried. According to the Sunday Times, he has donated £24million to fund climate change research - £12million each to the London School of Economics and Imperial College: Grantham believes climate change could lead to the...
Genetically Modified Climate 'Science'
Someone else who isn't entirely wrong this week is Lord Bob May of Oxford. It's quite refreshing to hear the former Royal Society president and government chief-scientific adviser having a go at Big Environment for a change instead of Big Oil: Parts of the green...
Monbiot's Money Myopia
George Monbiot isn't always entirely wrong. Writing in the Guardian yesterday: Why is the Medical Research Council run by an arms manufacturer? Why is the Natural Environment Research Council run by the head of a construction company? Why is the chairman of a real...