All sorts of claims are made about climate change. The excellent Number Watch site by John Brignell keeps a list of things (claimed to be) caused by global warming. Pointless speculation about climate change is rife. This is perhaps the most absurd instance of it....
In Defence of 'Taking Energy For Granted'
I was on BBC Radio Newcastle this morning, discussing what some are calling the North East region's 'energy revolution'. Some. [youtube 0c_o86i7XLY] It's a funny kind of 'energy revolution', when the outcome is a reduction of living standards. I wish I'd said that,...
Against Development
Bishop Hill links to an article by Oxfam's research director, Duncan Green. Says the Bishop... Duncan Green is head of research at Oxfam GB and has written an article exploring the question of whether the drought in the Horn of Africa is caused by climate change. The...
The PM, Her Chancellor, the Royal Society, its Geneticists & the BBC
British PM, David Cameron has written to his Australian Counterpart, Julia Gilllard, to congratulate her on her climate change policy -- the Carbon Tax. The Sydney Morning Herald says, "Your announcement sends a strong and clear signal that Australia is determined to...
What 'Science Says', part #8099
A recurring theme of the green argument for 'urgent' and 'strong' action on climate change -- usually also an argument for circumventing the democratic process -- is the claim that 'science says...{insert fatuous pseudo-scientific statement here}' . It's a fig leaf,...
Review of Mark Lynas' 'The God Species'
Over at Spiked-Online, I've reviewed The God Species: how the planet can survive the age of humans, by Mark Lynas. Since becoming an advocate of genetic modification (GM) and nuclear power, Mark Lynas has drawn increasingly hostile criticism from his erstwhile...
Not So Ipso Facto…
This is probably my favourite environmentalist line of 2011... There is simply no exaggerating the importance of the oceans to earth’s overall ecological balance. Apart from all that exaggeration, of course... Species extinctions, ocean acidification... coral...
Gaia's Witnesses?
I got a visit from the Jehova's Witnesses this morning, who handed me this. I like Jehova's Witnesses. Not because I agree with anything they say (at all), but because they arrive at your doorstep impeccably turned-out, and ready with passionate, but polite and...
The Radical Environmentalist?
Apologies for the recent dearth of posts -- I've been a bit busy, and not had time for my usual over-long posts. I've just come across this, however, in the course of some research. It's the Prince of Wales, introducing the Business and Environment Programme at the...
Trouble at Miliband
Former Labour-government climate activist, Ed Miliband -- who, for some reason, is now the opposition leader -- has an interview in the Guardian about his and his party's performance. Ed Miliband today lays out far-reaching reforms designed to modernise Labour's...