A Dark Shade of Green

Conservation is too often taken at face value. Criticise it, and you may find yourself accused of wanting to concrete over the entire countryside, and to have all the creatures that live within in slaughtered for fun. The truth is, however, that even a country as...

The Fishy, Wishy-Washy IPSO Report

The list of the 26 contributors to the IPSO panel of expert scientists is on page 10 of the report of the three day conference. The previous posts here seem to have attracted a lot of interest, so I thought I'd have a yet deeper look at this panel for those following...

A Deep Sea Mystery

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water... World's oceans in 'shocking' decline Warns Richard Black at the BBC. The oceans are in a worse state than previously suspected, according to an expert panel of scientists. In a new report, they warn that...

Fun Finding the Eco Lobby's Funding

Following my post at Bishop Hill, I thought I'd use the EU's transparency site to check out a few more arrangements between the EU and NGOs. As I pointed out in my post, only the accounts for the years 2007-2009 are listed. This isn't news, by the way, we knew that...

Guest Post at Bishop Hill

I am very pleased to have a guest post up on the excellent Bishop Hill, Ideological money laundering. As everybody now knows, the headlines from IPCC WGIII report on renewable energy appear to have been written by Greenpeace. When the Summary for Policy Makers was...

The Lowest Uncommon Denominator

The Guardian's ethical agony aunt, Leo Hickman complained yesterday that, Climate sceptics flirt with intelligent design and Islamophobic group Leaving aside the question about whether or not it is true that the group really is in the business of promoting...

Observing the Oberver's 'Ethical' Awards

Every year, the Guardian's sister Sunday, the Observer, holds an 'ethical awards' ceremony. It is quite a sight. Awards ceremonies are, as a rule, full of the pathologically smug anyway. An 'ethical' awards ceremony sets the smug-o-meter past any conceivable limit....

All Watched Over by Monbiot

Monbiot, again. He has a piece in yesterday's Guardian, taking issue with a report commissioned by the previous government -- but taken up enthusiastically by the coalition. The report aimed to put a value on the UK's ecosystem, such that planning policies could take...

A Brief History of Ecology

Regular readers of this blog will know that one of its central themes is the idea that, in the environmentalist's argument 'the politics is prior' to the science. Environmentalists seem to forget what it is they have presupposed, and appear to believe that...

Against Humans

I have an article up on Spiked-Online today, about the Third Nobel Laureate Symposium on Global Sustainability and their mock-trial of humanity. The ‘trial’ was merely a stunt, of course, designed to make a stuffy, pompous and self-serving enterprise such as this more...