The Sky News Daily Climate Show is an exercise in activism, not news. After much self-congratulating hype, Sky News broadcast the first episode of its Daily Climate Show last night. ‘Hello and welcome to the UK’s only climate daily news show where we track the changes...
The public just isn’t buying the climate agenda
The Tories' Green Homes Grant scheme is yet another failure of green policymaking. This week, the UK government announced it would be scrapping the beleaguered Green Homes Grant scheme. Launched at the end of last summer, the scheme was intended to subsidise the...
Come clean about the cost of Net Zero
Going carbon-neutral would mean a drastic reduction in living standards, but no politician can admit it. The UK parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) published a report last week that found ‘there is no coordinated plan with clear milestones towards achieving’...
Texas: a crisis caused by policy, not climate
Blaming climate change for the cold snap, or renewables for the blackouts, lets energy planners off the hook. In mid-February, an unexpected and severe cold snap hit most of the USA. It was caused by Arctic air pushed down from the north by a rare but not...
The Cumbria coal mine must go ahead
The green blob's attempt to reverse a democratic decision is a disgrace. When plans for a coal mine were recently given the go-ahead by Cumbria County Council, green campaigners, journalists and quangocrats were outraged. They demanded that MPs, ministers and the...
Democracy wakes up on the road to Net Zero
A FEW days ago the Times broke the story of a leaked memo from Whitehall, in which it was claimed that the government is considering economy-wide carbon taxes. Amongst the most troubling of these interventions were demands from academics and campaigners that the price...
Why greens love lockdown
Greens now want harder, longer lockdowns to tackle climate change. Are they mad? Over the past year, the response to the Covid-19 pandemic has caused untold damage to people’s lives. Discussing whether draconian policies are effective, or whether there may be other...
How the Climate Assembly manufactured consent
This stage-managed Assembly is a sham. There is no democratic mandate for extreme climate policies. As I have been pointing out for over a decade here on spiked, the political consensus on climate change is not shared by the public – or, at best, the public’s appetite...
Paris Agreement: a commitment to terminal decline
Joe Biden’s climate ambitions will wreck industry, hike energy prices and severely damage democracy. Within hours of his inauguration, Joe Biden announced that the USA was ‘back in the Paris Climate Agreement’. Donald Trump had pledged, in June 2017, that the USA...