One Giant Bleak Against Mankind

I have an article over at Spiked, on the matter of that dodgy 'NASA-funded' end-is-nigh report. The article, by the catastrophile and author of The Crisis of Civilisation, Nafeez Ahmed, was soon picked up by dozens of other newspapers, and hundreds of websites, all...

Using NASA to scare the masses into action

An apocalyptic report touted by doom-monger Nafeez Ahmed says more about its promoters than it does about civilisation's future. A recent Guardian article stated that a ‘NASA-funded study’ had predicted that ‘industrial civilisation’ is ‘headed for irreversible...

The GWPF, Crok & Lewis, and Positioning Sceptics

As we all now know, Marcel Crok and Nicholas Lewis have written a report on the IPCC's treatment of climate sensitivity, published by the GWPF. The GWPF's press release is here, the long version of the report is here, and the short version is here. Andrew Orlowski has...

Lewandowsky Nails his Faeces to the Door

Over at Lewandowsky's lair, Shaping Tomorrow's World, the academic-psychologist-turned-propagandist has set out his values... Part of my research is considered controversial by some people because I examine why individuals choose to reject well-established scientific...

"What is New Environmentalism?" – Battle of Ideas 2013

The video of the debate at last year's Battle of Ideas festival on the question "What is new environmentalism?" is online. I'm not sure that between Mark Lynas, Joe Smith, and Casper Hewitt and me, we got to an answer. But some interesting things were discussed on the...

Missing Heat – Spiked

I have a very short (even by my standards) piece up on Spiked about the claims that the missing heat has been found: A mainstay of environmentalists’ arguments for climate policies is that science can explain the past and present temperature of the planet, and, using...

Donna Laframboise on Green NGOs & the UNFCCC

I doubt that Donna Laframboise needs much of an introduction here. She was in London recently to give evidence to the UK House of Commons Energy and Climate Change select committee, and while here, generously agreed to meet me for a quick chat about some of the things...

Climate Sceptics: The Phantom Menace

At the Guardian this week (yes there, again), David Robert Grimes claimed, Denying climate change isn't scepticism – it's 'motivated reasoning' True sceptics test a hypothesis against the evidence, but climate sceptics refuse to accept anything that contradicts their...

Walport, Spiked

I have a short piece over at Spiked Online on UK Chief Scientific Advisor, Sir Mark Walport's injunction that climate sceptics should 'grow up'. According to an article in The Times (London) earlier this week, the government’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Mark...