Arson About Face

At Climate Resistance, we are quite often to be found making connections between environmentalism and the War on Terror. So we were a little surprised to find an environmentalist (and it's probably fairly safe to assume that an environment correspondent at the...

Hansen On ‘Democracy’

Our last post was about Guardian journalist, David Adam, and his inability to reflect critically and impartially on the climate debate. That’s not to say he’s biased… That would miss the point. Which is precisely what Adam does. Adam believes that ‘the science’ is...

The Great Danish Pastry Swindle

The climate conference in Copenhagen that ended this week produced a barrage of startling headlines, many of them from just one man. On Tuesday, the Guardian's junior climate alarmist, David Adam surprised us with an uncharacteristically non-doom-laden article:...

The Psychology of the Psychology of Denial

Last week, we mentioned an academic conference at the University of the West of England about the psychology of climate change denial, which appeared to be rather lacking on the academic front. It was a gathering of a handful of higher beings - Jungian analysts,...

Rhubarb-Rhubarb and Custard

First, the custard. Then, the rhubarb-rhubarb: Direct action historically has been a major way that we've got change. I mean, you can look at, historically, through the Suffragettes, through the miners' strikes, through all of the major changes. Yes, some of it is...

Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree

This weekend, the University of the West of England's Centre for Psycho-Social Studies is holding a conference on 'The Psychological and Political Challenge of Facing Climate Change'. According to conference organiser Professor Paul Hoggett: "We will examine [climate...

Labouring with Labels

It's often hard to have a discussion about the climate change debate without recourse to language about 'sides'. We are certainly not the only ones to have argued that the conventional portrayal of the debate as a polarised one between warmers/alarmists and...

Rekindling the Climate Embers

Goodbye Hockey Stick, hello Burning Embers? A paper published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences resurrects and updates a fancy graphic published in the IPCC's TAR in 2001, but which was omitted from AR4 in 2007, and finds - guess what - that...

The Consensus: Carbon DiOccidental?

According to an article at the Register by Andrew Orlowski: Japanese scientists have made a dramatic break with the UN and Western-backed hypothesis of climate change in a new report from its Energy Commission. Three of the five researchers disagree with the UN's IPCC...

Fighting Gaia with Kaya

Ben has an article about Roger Pielke Jr's criticism of the UK's Climate Change Act on Spiked. The rate of decarbonisation required to meet these targets would, according to Roger Pielke, be ‘more aggressive than has ever been documented in any developed country at...