Climate Change Bill. Part 3 – 'Ayes' Wide Shut

There is a list of the MPs - our 'democratic representatives' - in the house of commons who voted for the Climate Change Bill ammendment's on Tuesday at 470 (out of 646)...

The Climate Change Bill. Part 2 – Appealing to Authority.

Here is an exchange between Peter Lilley MP, and other members of the House of Commons on Tuesday's reading of the Climate Change Bill.  Notice how Elliot Morley cites Stern and Lord Turner as authorities.  It is as if Stern had no critics. The entire house of commons...

The Climate Change Bill. Part 1 – They Don't Work for You.

The third reading of the Climate Change Bill took place in parliament yesterday. More on that later. The reading was preceded by an Early Day Motion (EDM) to include shipping and aviation in the scope of the bill. EDM 2233 - CLIMATE CHANGE BILL (No. 2) - 14.10.2008...

Honi-Soit-Qui-Mal-Y Ponce

After our 'Green Aristocracy' post yesterday, it was amusing to see that Prince Charles has warned that the financial crisis should not distract from the longer-term problem of the "climate crunch". Speaking during a visit to Tokyo, the Prince of Wales said the global...

The Climate Change Bill and the Nobs

Read Ben's article on the Register, about the Climate Change Bill being debated in Parliament today, and the elite who stand to gain from it.  An aristocracy is a form of government by an elite that considers itself to possess greater virtues than the hoi polloi,...

Branding Environmentalism

Another day, another expensive advert from the environmental movement. Not Oxfam this time, but Greenpeace, who must spend a significant portion of the $hundreds of millions they make on their campaigns. [youtube J8dLHZ6jKFc] We have noted before that the...

'Fuel Poverty' or Fool's Poverty?

The recent high oil price created a lot of discussion about 'fuel poverty'. A Guardian article reported yesterday that, Campaigners failed today in a high court bid to force the government to spend more to end fuel poverty. Mr Justice McCombe, sitting in London,...

Who's the Basket Case, Oxfam?

There's an advert for Oxfam running on UK TV at the moment that caught our attention. It is most odd. [youtube eQK6ODxDfDY] The little old lady and her friends seem to be vomiting at injustice, thereby making the world a better place. In a way, this almost represents...

“Welcome to the 21st Century”

A couple of our recent posts have looked unfavourably at the BBC’s coverage of the climate debate, in particular the three part series, Earth: the Climate Wars. But it’s not all bad at the Beeb, and it’s not fair to characterise their output as entirely biased in...

80% and the Climate Change Aristocracy

The Independent newspaper announced yesterday that The UK should cut its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80 per cent by mid-century, the Government's climate change committee recommended today. The committee said a more stringent target than the 60 per cent cut...