Bangladesh landmass 'is growing', reports the BBC: Satellite images of Bangladesh over the past 32 years show that the country is growing annually by about 20 square kilometres (12.5 square miles), said Maminul Haque Sarker of the Dhaka-based Centre for Environment...
Climate Change Delusion By Proxy
Since the first case of the psychiatric disorder 'climate change delusion' was diagnosed in an Australian patient earlier this month, commentators have suggested that the symptoms expressed by Al Gore and the like point to the condition being a rather common one....
90 Minutes of TV; 16 Months of Handwaving…
...and counting... Every day in the UK, £millions are spent on making sure that national and local government departments do not produce too much CO2. Business, schools and hospitals have to make sure they are complying with regulations that require them to reduce...
Under the Moon: Gore's Giant Limp for Mankind
Al Gore announced his strategy for powering the USA entirely from 'renewable' resources -a mixture of solar and wind - by a decade from now. (Are the sun and wind 'renewable'? How?) [youtube dt9wZloG97U] The ten-year time-span, and the 'big project' are borrowed from...
Barr Barr Green Sheep
So, Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr has congratulated Al Gore on his stance on global warming. Former Vice President Al Gore and I have met privately to discuss the issue of global warming, and I was pleased and honored that he invited me to attend...
In Praise of Unsustainability
We've mentioned before that everything that humans have ever done has been unsustainable. And not in a bad way. According to architect Austin Williams, sustainability is 'a philosophy of low aspirations, miserablism, petty-mindedness, parochialism, sanctimony'. Ben...
BBC On Bad Acid Trip
The merest sniff of an environmental problem can go straight to the heads of the soberest of science reporters and leave them mumbling jibberish about the imminent end of the world as we know it. Take last Thursday's edition of BBC Radio 4's normally excellent...
Polls Apart
One of our major gripes with Environmentalism concerns the claims made by its adherents that it is some sort of popular, grass-roots movement. Time and again, polls suggest otherwise. And yet these polls are rarely, if ever, reported in terms of the undemocratic...
It's All About Ethanol
Poor old Gordon Brown: More than 80 Labour MPs have signed an amendment to the Climate Change Bill, which would force ministers to promise greater cuts in carbon emissions. The Climate Change Bill commits the government to make at least a 60% cut in CO2 emissions by...
Infinite Regress
In a recent post, we looked at some of Green MEP Caroline Lucas's arguments for action on climate change. One of them has stuck with us as especially absurd, and merits further attention: this planet has finite resources. You cannot go on growing indefinitely on a...