The Ethics of 'the Ethics of Climate Change'

James Garvey didn't like Ben's review of his book on Culture Wars. But instead of responding to it, he seems to have merely laid out the same argument again. Science can give us a grip on the fact of climate change. (For a start, have a look here:...


Sir Nicholas Stern, author of the famous Stern Report, which underpins many an argument in favour of climate change mitigation, is behind a 'carbon credit reference agency' launched today. “If we are to attract the levels of finance necessary to make this a mainstream...

The Royal Society: From Science to Fiction

Eco-activist Mark Lynas, has won the Royal Society's prize for popular science writing, for his book, Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet. Except that it isn't science, it's fiction. Science fiction; it takes a vaguely plausible scientific possibility,...

Environmentalism According to Lucas

Over the last year, we have looked at some of the words and ideas coming from the environmental movement through the Green Party's MEP for SE England, Caroline Lucas. With her breathless, urgent catastrophism, Lucas epitomises Environmentalism and its hollow vision,...

Huffing and Puffin' On the Isle of Maybe

Rich wonders: "Nature as harmonious and peaceful? Have these people watched Springwatch?"  Good point. They had live footage of swallows eating their own chicks the other day. Springwatch somehow manages to marry the genres of science documentary, freakshow and...

Environ Mental Ism

We've mentioned before how those of an Environmentalist bent are liable to blame the perceived failings of anybody who disagrees with them on some sort of mental illness. There's Andreas Ernst, for example, the scientist who says that the psychology of sceptics is...

Off the Grid: Microgeneration – the Spark of Endarkenment

John Vidal, Guardian Environment Editor, claimed yesterday that British buildings equipped with solar panels, mini wind turbines and other renewable energy sources could generate as much electricity a year as five nuclear power stations, a government-backed industry...

Bishop of Stafford Sillier Than Chief Scientific Advisor?

Given that climate sceptics are as bad as the tobacco lobby and holocaust deniers, and that climate change is worse than international terrorism, which is worse than obesity, which is worse than climate change, and that the church is as desperate to connect with the...

Who'd've Discredited It?

'Case against climate change discredited by study' shrieked the Independent yesterday. That must be one hell of a study. Except that it isn't: A difference in the way British and American ships measured the temperature of the ocean during the 1940s may explain why the...