Climate Same As It Was 100 Years Ago Due To Climate Change

A wake-up call to the world from AFP... Light snow fell in Baghdad early on Friday in what weather officials said was the first time in about a 100 years. ... "These snowfalls are linked to the climate change that is happening everywhere." If this climate chaos...

The Well-Funded “Well-Funded Denial Machine” Denial Machine

One of the arguments which frequently emerge from the warmers in climate change debates is that the scientific expertise of sceptics has been bought – literally – by oil companies. We see this tired argument again wheeled out in the aftermath of the Inhofe 400 list....

People in Greenhouses Throwing Stones

We promised to provide a breakdown of the IPCC's WGI as we did for WGII and III. So here goes: As before, we've limited ourselves to those contributors based in the UK or USA. That gives us 303 authors to work with out of a total of 618. That's nearly half the total -...

WGIII – But is it Science?

Following our breakdown of the expertise comprising the IPCC's WGII, we've now done the same for WGIII, “Mitigation of Climate Change”. First, the numbers: Of 270 contributors, 66 were from the USA and UK. We haven’t been able to establish the expertise and discipline...

Physician, Heal Thyself.

NOTE FROM THE EDITORS. 13 December 2008. This post is linked to from other sites more than any other. This has lead to criticism that we have been dishonest in ignoring the scientists in IPCC WGI, which is where the bulk of the scientific analysis is done. It is true...

Save the Planet or the Puppy Gets It

Over at Gristmill, Andrew Dessler complains about the list of 400 sceptical scientists who seem to challenge the "scientific consensus": The question is: does their opinion matter? Should you revise your views about climate change accordingly?  The question is then,...

The Great Big Bali Beano Ding-Dong Roadmap to Nowhere

What is there to say about Bali? There have been rumours of punch-ups, singing and drinking and dancing, weeping delegates, and Mea Culpa's from failed US presidential candidates on behalf of the entire USA. It was, in this sense, like any other industry's Christmas...

Black, Green and Grayling

Just to say that we have found ourselves distracted by that nice man Anthony Grayling, who has been good enough to respond to our post on his recent CiF piece and provide us with an opportunity to practise our polite disagreement skills.

The Treachery of Speeches

Surrealist politics from UK Conservative Party leader David Cameron: The issue we're discussing today, and the subject of the policy document we're publishing, is decentralised energy - again an issue on which Greenpeace has a distinguished campaigning track record....

Hyperlinks Working Again

Apologies to our readers using IE7. The bug preventing you from clicking links is now fixed as far as we are aware. If there are still problems, please send us an email to the address at the bottom of the sidebar on the right.