Emissions Policy Policy Omission

Hilary Benn, Environment Secretary, son of Tony, successor to David Miliband, announced on Monday that the target of 60% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050 set by his predecessor may not be enough. This comes in the wake of the Tories trumping the 60% figure, with...

Battling On

The Institute of Ideas are putting online a series of essays called 'Battles in Print' to complement their yearly Battle of Ideas festival of debates. One of the essays was written by us. You can read it here. And here's a preview of Climate science: truth you can...

Tories on Standby for Labour-Saving Policy Action

Today's Observer editorial carries the following analysis of the "Phoney War" of policy battles between Brown and Cameron, amidst rumours of an early election: The Conservative leader is not short of policy ideas. If anything, he has too many of them and they are not...

Carbon Neutral Policy Surfeit

Apologies for being off-line recently. It’s been summer, we’ve been busy, and there’s been less news around. Now that the Summer is over (did it ever really begin?), we’ll be back with more regular postings.********The Liberal Democrats announced last week their plans...

Is Atheism Just Another Fundamentalism?

That's the title of a debate on 22 August at the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Climate-Resistace editor Stuart was one of the speakers, with John Gray, Mark Vernon and Ron Ferguson. His talk went a bit like this...Just so you know… I don’t believe in God. And...

Unhappy Campers

The Climate Camp draws to a close. The result? A vandalised depot, a besieged office block and a day off for its employees, and more than 40 protesters arrested, some of them grumbling about their treatment by the police. (What did they expect?) But what was this...

Runaway Climate Runway Capers

The "Camp for Climate Action" has opened near Heathrow Airport. Announcing the event, and commenting on some of the legal problems the organisers have faced, the campaign website said:Unfortunately the police have stopped and searched some people coming to the camp,...

Environmental Movement Touches the Cloth

We've pointed out before the compatibility of environmentalism and evangelical Christianity. So no great surprise here. Her conversion to environmentalism is the result of a years-long international campaign by British bishops and leaders of major U.S. environmental...

Nobody Expects the Cimate Inquisition

'Sustainable' blogging (geddit?) is a bit difficult when even the green news-makers have jetted off to catch some sun... This isn't climate change, it's silly season, and there's not much news around. We have reported before how the environmentalist's view of the...