Genetically Modified Climate 'Science'

Someone else who isn't entirely wrong this week is Lord Bob May of Oxford. It's quite refreshing to hear the former Royal Society president and government chief-scientific adviser having a go at Big Environment for a change instead of Big Oil: Parts of the green...

Monbiot's Money Myopia

George Monbiot isn't always entirely wrong. Writing in the Guardian yesterday: Why is the Medical Research Council run by an arms manufacturer? Why is the Natural Environment Research Council run by the head of a construction company? Why is the chairman of a real...

A Widget for Ward

Bob Ward's accusations about our funding arrangements made us realise that anyone out there wishing to push their filthy dirty oil money our way have no way of getting it to us. To that end, we have installed a shiny new button, dedicated to him. Please feel free to...

Ward Loses Patience

Among the most absurd elements of climate change debates is the persistence of the issue of 'funding'. Absurd because at the same time that science is held to give uncorrupted and incorruptible instructions about how to respond to a changing climate, it is also held -...

Climate Science Rules

Over at the Register, Stu has an interview with Professor Mike Hulme: Just two years ago, Mike Hulme would have been about the last person you'd expect to hear criticising conventional climate change wisdom. Back then, he was the founding director of the Tyndall...

Top British boffin: Time to ditch the climate consensus

Just two years ago, Mike Hulme would have been about the last person you'd expect to hear criticising conventional climate change wisdom. Back then, he was the founding director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, an organisation so revered by...


According to CNN, Prince Charles, who at some point in the future can look forward to inheriting the United Kingdom, has just signed a book and film deal. Yes, the Prince of Wales is Britain's answer to Al Gore. "I believe that true sustainability depends...

Beware: Health Warnings

Speaking of self-fulfilling prophecies, which we often are, Stu has a feature in today's FT magazine about the negative impacts on our health of precautionary health advice: Worried Sick What if health warnings could make us ill? Actually, they can - it's called the...

Gore Mouthing-Off About Make-Believe Madoffs

Our last post concerned the New York Times article by Andrew Revkin, about allegations of a ‘tobacco strategy’ conspiracy to distort the climate debate in the interests of energy companies. The story was used by Al Gore in testimony to congress, in which he accuses...

Know Your Times

>> UPDATE: Gore uses the flawed NYT article in his testimony to congress. READ MORE. << New York Times journalist, Andrew Revkin, generally writes thoughtfully in the paper, and on his Dot Earth blog, even if we generally disagree with him. However,...