Ehrlich Joins the Headshrinkers

He is better known for his work on population, but neomalthusian, Paul Ehrlich is listed as an author on a new paper, the abstract of which reads as follows, Government policies are needed when people’s behaviors fail to deliver the public good. Those policies will be...

Climate Change Politics: Science's Pimp

Ed Davey made some revealing comments at his presentation at the Royal Society this week. James Delingpole has given Davey's words the treatment they probably deserve, pointing out that the Royal Society has 'jumped the shark'. Says Dellers, The Royal Society –...

From Bloomberg to Lomborg…

Bloomberg are reporting that Wind is now cheaper than fossil fuels in producing electricity in Australia, the world’s biggest coal exporter, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. What amazing news! So someone must have developed some amazing new technology!...

Blognitive Dissonance

Readers will no doubt remember climate change psychologist, Stephan Lewandowsky and his attempt to connect climate change denial and scepticism to conspiracy theories. Lewandowsky et al's paper, 'NASA faked the moon landing|Therefore (Climate) Science is a Hoax: An...

The New Tin Pot Dictators: Green NGOs

It should be clear to everyone by now that environmentalists have no sense of proportion. For instance, on the green view, the claim that 'climate change is happening' has been a matter of true or false, rather than a matter of degree. But is this misconception the...

Letter to the Climate Shrinks

BBC Radio 4 show, Thinking Allowed had a feature on the psychoanalysts perspective on climate change this week. Bishop Hill picked up the story. Thinking Allowed is one of my favourite programmes, so I was a tad disappointed to hear that thinking isn't allowed if it's...

Hate Ethopians, Love Polar Bears

The Telegraph's resident Gaia-botherer, Louise Gray has a short piece on neoMalthusian anti-baby campaigner, David Attenborough. The television presenter said that humans are threatening their own existence and that of other species by using up the world’s resources....

The £60 Billion Government and Big Business Front-Group

Typically, cold weather such as the UK is experiencing -- an inch or so of snow that brings the country to a grinding halt -- is used as the background to stories which challenge climate change orthodoxy. The tale needs barely any retelling: the milder winters and...

Malthus's Zombie

There have been endless pastiches-upon-pastiches of the zombie movie genre in recent years. As far as I can tell, the only significant development in the basic plot is that whereas zombies were once driven by supernatural forces, the contemporary living-dead seem more...

Political Murder and Environmentalism

Jo Nova reports that  Prof Richard Parncutt, who suggested that climate change sceptics could face the death penalty for their crime, has taken down the original text of his argument and has apologised. Though I would have preferred a more convincing reflection on his...