I have no idea about the truth of a story in the Telegraph today. As usual, however, I find that the way the facts -- whatever they are -- are treated is more interesting than the reality. BBC drops Frozen Planet's climate change episode to sell show better abroad The...
Indirect Action
Predictably, the UK's first shale gas fracking plant has become the site of 'direct action'. Once again, a small number of protesters have decided to inflict themselves on the rest of the world. The Guardian reports this morning that, Protesters from the UK's...
Still Subsidising the Argument…
Something of a brouhaha is developing in the debate about the extent of subsidies for renewable energy in the UK. Green energy campaigners are complaining about a proposed cut in the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) scheme which promises owners of domestic solar PV up around...
Subsidising the Argument
There has been a fair amount of discussion about subsidies in the ongoing debate about energy policies recently. Damian Carrington in today's Guardian puffs up Chris Huhne's speech at the Renewable UK (formerly the British Wind Energy Association) conference: The...
Warding Off the Deniers
There was a heated twitter exchange last night between Bob Ward, Bishop Hill, and Richard Tol. Ward predictably wanted to know 'who funds the GWPF' -- the Global Warming Policy Foundation, headed by Nigel Lawson and Benny Peiser. Ward has been making much of alleged...
Climate Fools Day
I am not speaking at the Climate Fools Day, as the advertising for the event says alongside some other misleading information.
'The Science is Settled', Part 858
I found myself being called a 'climate sceptic' and 'denier' this week. I find this odd, because I rarely take a view on the science, which I regard as largely a massive red herring -- the climate debate is mostly political. My argument is that if you want to know...
Climate Change Policy is as Dangerous as Climate Change
According to Channel 4 News, An interim independent report predicts that 2,700 people will die this winter as a consequence of fuel poverty, a figure greater than the number killed in traffic accidents each year. As argued here in recent posts, fuel poverty is a...
An Inconvenient Eradication
One of the things mentioned very often here is the case of the WHO claim that 150,000 deaths throughout the world can be attributed to climate change. This figure was then upped to 300,000 by the now defunct Global Humanitarian Forum, under the stewardship of former...
Who Are the 'Reality Checkers' Kidding?
Polly Curtis is the Guardian's 'reality checker'. Today's she's been live-blogging the debate about the margins of the 'Big Six' energy retailers, discussed here yesterday. Reality check: Are energy price hikes inevitable? Temperatures are about to plummet and energy...