Mark Lynas Doesn't Get It

Barry Woods points us to Mark Lynas's latest comment on the gap opening up between himself and anti-nuclear environmentalists. Yesterday I was an environmentalist. Today, according to tweets from prominent greens, and an op-ed response piece in the Guardian, I’m a...

In Whom Do We Trust?

I've been too busy for blogging, again. Moving house -- or trying to, and boring stuff like that. This is a very long post, and slightly out of date. So only read if you've got some spare time this Easter weekend. I will come back to some of the points I've tried to...

Fear and Fukushima Fallout

No blog from me for a while, apologies. However, I have an article up on Spiked today about the real and metaphorical fallout from Fukushima. Last week, UK monitoring stations detected infinitesimal quantities of iodene-131 from the accident there, leading to some...

Media Meltdown

I have an article up on Spiked about the response to the problems at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant from the media and anti-nuclear lobby. Thousands of people are feared dead. Tens of thousands are missing or injured. Hundreds of thousands have lost their...

The End (of Nick Stern's Credibility) is Nigh!

Think Progress is a misnomer for a site devoid of thought or sensible conception of 'progress'. It's currently running a series of crass, pointless, sub-tabloid mini interviews with climate alarmist, Nicholas Stern. In the first interview, Stern expounds some views...

The Astro Turf is Always Browner on the Other Side…

George Mon-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-biot is convinced that 'astroturfing' outfits are influencing on-line discussion. The tobacco industry does it, the US Air Force clearly wants to ... astroturfing – the use of sophisticated software to drown...


Bishop Hill points to a paper by Ross McKitrick. The Bishop himself points to the following passage, a thought experiment in which an Intergovernmental Panel on Economics, analogous to the IPCC is imagined. Suppose the International Monetary Fund (IMF) created an...

Mythologising Monckton

There is only one climate sceptic in the world. His name is Christopher Monckton. This is the only conclusion you could draw from Rupert Murray's film, Meet the Climate Sceptics,  broadcast on BBC4 tonight. The film portrays Monckton single-handedly attacking the...

Climate Scepticism… According to Environmentalists

Just a week will have passed between the broadcasting of Paul Nurse's film about climate change sceptics' alleged 'attack on science' and the BBC's next film about... climate change sceptics. Meet the Climate Sceptics NEXT ON: Today, 22:00 on BBC Four Filmmaker Rupert...

Nursing Climate Science's Bruises

This post was intended for Spiked-Online. They may print it next week, but I wanted to get it out there sooner. Sir Paul Nurse, the new president of the Royal Society, has followed his predecessors, Martin Rees and Bob May, by making a loud public statement about the...