Happy New Year! We have been somewhat neglectful of our blog. The truth - other than that we’re very busy - is that we decided to enjoy Christmas, and forget about climate change for a while. Normal blogging service will be resumed shortly. And there will be much to...
Randi, You Old Goat
Nothing can surprise about the climate debate any more. First, UK homeopath-slayer Dr Ben Goldacre lays his climate cards on the table. Now his comrade in arms across the pond, James Randi, has done the same - only completely differently. Get this: Happily, science...
Paging Dr. Goldacre… Warmer Zombies on the Climate Ward
On BBC Radio 4's Any Questions last night, and in his Bad Science column in the Guardian today, Dr Ben Goldacre lays into what he calls the 'zombie arguments' of climate sceptics: ...reigning supreme, is the “zombie argument”: arguments which survive to be raised...
Party Political Broadcast on Behalf of the OPT
On the BBC's Horizon tonight, Sir David Attenborough, patron of the Optimum Population Trust, tackles the question How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? Except he doesn't. He comes up with an answer alright - 15 billion if we all live like the average Indian, 2.5...
Hari Drama Hari Gaia
In Friday's Independent, Johann Hari has achieved a quite remarkable feat. How I wish that the global warming deniers were right Are you prepared to take a 50-50 gamble on the habitability of the planet? In just 1400 words he manages to cram in just about every...
Climategate and a Tale of Two Georges
One event, seen by two environmental activists called George, produces two, contradicting stories in the Guardian. George Marshall, suggests that CRU email hacking was ‘orchestrated smear campaign’, but one which yielded no evidence of anything questionable, but that...
Hacking the Climate Da Vinci Code
Unless you live a fully sustainable life in a cave without any internet access, you will no doubt be aware of the hacking into a UK climate research institution’s computer system, and the release of emails between prominent figures in the small world of climate...
Why Environmentalism is 'Unethical', Anti-Human, and Elitist
It’s not often we agree with George Monbiot. We cannot change the world by changing our buying habits ... I have always been deeply suspicious of the grand claims made for consumer democracy: that we can change the world by changing our buying habits. But then again,...
Energy Battles
A few posts back we mentioned the Battle of Ideas debate festival organised by the Institute of Ideas. Audio podcasts of the many debates are now available on-line. There's something there for everyone....
Site Facelift: Climate resistance v3.0
As you can probably see, we have given the site a make-over. We've opted for the most simple possible construction of the site this time, with fewer of the gadgets, widgets and gizmos that were cluttering the pages. We've also made it a bit easier for our more mature...