Psycho-Activists' Lack-of-Substance Abuse

Last month, we mentioned a conference at the University of the West of England, which set out to diagnose the debilitating condition suffered by those who fail to subscribe to the environmental orthodoxy. We suggested that it's a sure sign that environmentalism's...

Attenborough & the Descent of Man

Sir David Attenborough, the face and voice of quality BBC natural history programmes, controller of BBC2 during the 'golden age' of British television, national treasure, has become a patron of the Optimum Population Trust, the organisation that campaigns for...

Is JR Killing the Polar Bears?

'Tis the season of resurrections. And right on cue, science PR is working overtime to bring the polar-ice soap opera back from the dead. Following a disappointing summer of 2008, in which the 'worst ever' Arctic ice scenarios prophesied at the start of the year failed...

Chromatic Aberration

Two images, two different claims. Neither of them are ‘new’ as such. The first comes to us from Nathalie Rothschild, commissioning editor of Spiked-Online. It was taken during the "March Against Climate Change Chaos" in 2006. The second was taken during the UK’s 2008...

Brown's Green New No Deal

Climate Resistance Editor Ben has an article in The Register, on the UK government's Low Carbon Industrial Strategy - the 'Green New Deal'. Apparently 400,000 new "environmental sector" jobs will be created by 2017, according to Gordon Brown, who reckoned 1.3 million...

No Fire Without a Smokescreen

In far flung corners of the globe, where tedious matters of grim reality tend to be of greater concern than the theoretical possibility of the ravages of global warming, there seems to be a growing realisation that, to generate interest from the western media in stuff...

Auntie’s Tall Tale Of Daddy Long Legs

It's always fun to trace the chain of Chinese whispers between primary research and scary news stories about the ravages of climate change. Many BBC science stories are particularly easy to trace back to source, based as they are on a single scientific paper, from...

Progressives do it with the Lights on!

Hats off to the Competitive Enterprise Institute's answer to the miserablist's 'Earth Hour'. Human Acheivement Hour is a celebration of our progress.  What's curious about this is that the CEI are frequently criticised for their right-leaning economic perspective....

Arson About Face

At Climate Resistance, we are quite often to be found making connections between environmentalism and the War on Terror. So we were a little surprised to find an environmentalist (and it's probably fairly safe to assume that an environment correspondent at the...

Hansen On ‘Democracy’

Our last post was about Guardian journalist, David Adam, and his inability to reflect critically and impartially on the climate debate. That’s not to say he’s biased… That would miss the point. Which is precisely what Adam does. Adam believes that ‘the science’ is...