Fat People are Killing the Polar Bears (Again)

Last year we mentioned Ian Roberts' theory, as reported in New Scientist, that fat people are responsible for more than their fair share of global warming, and, in order to get a snappy headline out of it, we tied it into another New Scientist article, which was...

Environmentalism: "frustrated, angry and confused"

Over at the Daily Kos, and European Tribune, blogger 'Johnnyrook' attempts to connect 'denialism' with an ideology. The piece itself is an answer to a blog post elsewhere by Joseph Romm, The denialists are winning, especially with the GOP. David Roberts tried this...

When a Butterfly Flaps Its Wings, Environmentalists Just Flap

We're glad to see that the BBC has removed the error we flagged up on Thursday. Where it said The scientists predicted such species would struggle to cope with the 5.4C rise in tropical temperatures expected by 2100.  it now reads The scientists predicted such species...

Fat People are Killing the Butterflies

Steve Connor, science editor at the Independent newspaper warns us that Tropical insects rather than polar bears could be among the first species to become extinct as a result of global warming, a study has found.  What does that even mean? Are the polar bears OK...

Global Warming… Jumping the Shark…

Wikipedia tells us, The term jumping the shark alludes to a specific scene in a 1977 episode of the TV series Happy Days when the popular character Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli literally jumps over a shark while water skiing. The scene was so preposterous that many...

Save Any Planet

For Green buffoonery in all its ghastly, opportunistic, incompetent, self-righteous glory, there is the latest episode of the BBC's The Apprentice. That's the series where someone incredibly rich and successful like Donald Trump conducts a "job interview from hell" in...

Bottom Feder

A link to this article came our way... Procreation is killing the planet, and traditional religion is to blame, Global-Warming cultists insist. First the industrial revolution had to go. Then it was to the wall with oil company executives, those malignant Carbon...

Who Are the Real Climate Criminals?

If there's one thing that's supposed to annoy us British about Americans, it's their environmentally unfriendly ways. And not just George Bush and his Exxon-funded cronies. It's the whole lot of them – as highlighted by the recent ABC News poll where "global warming"...

Slaves to Bad Analogies

Given the occasional inability of environmentalists to resist the temptation of equating those who challenge the political orthodoxy on climate change with those who opposed the end of slavery, it was only a matter of time before someone would liken the reduction of...