Bogus Body Counts: Casualties in the Climate War

CommentIsFree, rather like Grist, is a rich mine of ecobabble. Its writers are so prolific that it's hard to keep up with their imaginations. Yet its writers are also often the highly qualified experts we're all being asked to invest our confidence in. We missed "It's...

What's Left About Green?

Our stance on the climate debate is often assumed - with approval or derision, depending on who's doing the assuming - to reflect a wider Conservative outlook. We wouldn't want people <cough> to go around thinking that Climate Resistance is some sort of...

Pesky Oreskes

And so to the 2nd (and quite possibly the final) part in our mini-series of posts about videos that really annoy us: “The American Denial of Global Warming” We find ourselves somewhat obsessed with this one. It's a lecture by Naomi Oreskes, professor of the history of...

Tickelled Green

Patron of the Optimum Population Trust, neo-malthusian and miserablist to world governments, Sir Crispin Tickell went head-to-head with Austin Williams of the Future Cities Project on the question of "are there too many of us?" on Thursday. BBC Radio 4's PM program...

Blaise the Lord

This is the first in a mini-series of posts about videos that really annoy us. First up - "The Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See": Greg (we almost feel a little bit bad for having...

In a Sea of Greens

We are flattered to have been included in the "50 Best Eco Blogs" published today by the Times (London). Apparently, we are A site actively involved in standing up for climate change sceptics, [that] puts its points across eloquently and is not afraid to stand up to...

'Science' – Environmentalism's Fig Leaf

On The Nation blog, David Roberts of Gristmill (another blog) writes: Long-time greens are painfully aware that the arguments of global warming skeptics are like zombies in a '70s B movie. They get shot, stabbed, and crushed, over and over again, but they just keep...

The AGW Debate Descends to ‘Science’

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) issued a statement last month, outlining its position on global warming... The Earth's climate is now clearly out of balance and is warming. Many components of the climate system—including the temperatures of the atmosphere, land...

Al Qaeda Are Killing the Polar Bears

Obesity 'requires climate plan' is a perplexing headline from the BBC today. While we are only too aware that the fat people have to take more than their fair share of responsibility for the ravages of climate chaos, we couldn't help wondering what a 'climate plan'...

Dessler’s Grist to the Sceptics’ Mill

On Gristmill, Andrew Dessler provides us with an excuse for a self-indulgent recap: I was at a meeting earlier this week and was talking to one of the coordinating lead authors of the recent IPCC working group 1 report on the physical science of climate change. He...