Dr. Caroline Lucas - Green Member of the European Parliament for Southeast England - continues to peddle scare stories to generate political legitimacy. From a press release carrying the dramatic headline "CANCER 'CAUSED BY POLLUTION', MEP LUCAS TO TELL BRIGHTON...
US Presidential Candidates in “Ties to Industry” Shock
Catherine Brahic, "New" "Scientist"'s online environment reporter continues to reflect the magazine's confusion between environmental science and environmental politics. If I didn't know better, I'd say "so much for the pulling power of oil money". Reports suggested...
Eco-Slums for Eco-Proles
You and Yours (a daily consumer affairs magazine on BBC Radio 4) ran a feature on Britain's planned "eco-towns", last Monday (yes, we're a bit behind at the moment). [podcast available here] The uk needs more homes. We also need to reduce our carbon emmssions, and the...
Climate Extreme Same As 100 Years Ago – Due to Climate Change. Part II.
We reported last month how the weather in Iraq was the same as it was 100 years ago, due to climate change. According to Planet Ark - "your daily guide to helping the planet" - people in China are also suffering from harsh winter weather, the likes of which have not...
Imminent Shortage of Stories for "New" Scientist
(Or "Global Production of Alarmist Story-Lines Past Peak" or "Gloom-Mine Reserves Increasing According to Demand" or "New Scientist in Search of Renewable Sources Of Gloomy Stories" or [INSERT OWN HEADLINE HERE]) An editorial in last week's (19 Jan) New Scientist...
Pesky Bloody Democracy
Yesterday, we had a bit of a go at a philosopher for his naughty, anti-democratic (if unconsciously so) world view when it comes to saving the planet. Well, it turns out that Marc D. Davidson ain't got nothing on David Shearman and Joseph Wayne Smith. You don't need a...
Climate Deniers Are Slaves to Democracy
On the New Scientist (which is neither) blog last week, Catherine Brahic, the rag's online environment reporter was struck by a paper published in the journal Climatic Change. Brahic summarises: Davidson claims that historical hindsight shows how preposterous the...
For Those Watching in Black and White
Climate Debate Daily is a shiny new site from the nice people who brought you Arts & Letters Daily. Dennis "A&L" Dutton, who is sceptical about the idea that the present warming trend is mostly anthropogenic, has got together with Douglas Campbell, a...
Climate Same As It Was 100 Years Ago Due To Climate Change
A wake-up call to the world from AFP... Light snow fell in Baghdad early on Friday in what weather officials said was the first time in about a 100 years. ... "These snowfalls are linked to the climate change that is happening everywhere." If this climate chaos...
The Well-Funded “Well-Funded Denial Machine” Denial Machine
One of the arguments which frequently emerge from the warmers in climate change debates is that the scientific expertise of sceptics has been bought – literally – by oil companies. We see this tired argument again wheeled out in the aftermath of the Inhofe 400 list....