For those who missed Wednesday's edition of BBC2's Newsnight, we highly recommend that you watch it: When you're asked to adapt your lifestyle to combat climate change, what goes through your head? Do you embrace the challenge, switch off the lights and reach for the...
The Lady Doth Protest too Much…
After a 20-year-long role at the BBC, Peter Sissons has attacked the anti-journalistic culture at the BBC. Writing in the Mail on Sunday (the article has been taken off-line for some reason), Sissons outlines some key reasons for his decision to leave. This bit caught...
Only Four Years Left to Save Environmentalism
Another sure sign that environmentalists are struggling to sustain a rational basis for their influence emerged last week. The pages of the Observer featured the opinion of NASA activist/scientist James Hansen in two articles [1 , 2] and an editorial. Barack Obama has...
A Peak Peak-Oil-Theory Theory
Five months is a long time in climate politics. The arguments change with the seasons. Back in the hazy days of July and August, the eco-newswires were dominated by stories about ‘record-breaking’ arctic ice extent – even though it wasn’t record-breaking, and the...
Branding Environmentalism
Another day, another expensive advert from the environmental movement. Not Oxfam this time, but Greenpeace, who must spend a significant portion of the $hundreds of millions they make on their campaigns. [youtube J8dLHZ6jKFc] We have noted before that the...
Road to an Atomic Damascus or the Green Reformation?
Poor old Mark Lynas, author of Six Degrees: our future on a hotter planet, who once thrust custard pies into the faces of people who dared to question environmental orthodoxies. He now finds himself on the receiving end of eco-dogma. Fancy that. Just a month ago I had...
The Queen of the Greens
Ben has an article in today's Spiked on our favourite Green, Caroline Lucas, who was elected as the Party's leader last Friday. The UK Green Party – formally the Ecology Party (1975-1985), formally PEOPLE (1973-1975) – once rejected the conventional party structure...
First Against the Wall When the Revolution Doesn't Happen…
The Green Party's other principal speaker is Derek Wall. The party have been unable to decide on a leader over the years (they're choosing one right at the moment), and so have had two: Caroline Lucas and Derek Wall - one for girls, and one for boys. No, we're not...
The Party Without People
Caroline Lucas again again. In the New Statesman today, talking about the Green Party’s upcoming leadership contest, she says, There is another crucial reason why Britain needs Green leadership now. Voter turnout at all elections has been falling. Fewer than one in...
The Relentless Morbidity of Environmentalism
It’s Caroline Lucas again. Caroline Lucas MEP, who is expected to be elected as the Green Party's first leader later this week, said: "People will be literally dying from cold this winter while companies like Shell and BP are making record profits – that outrages...