In Friday's Independent, Johann Hari has achieved a quite remarkable feat. How I wish that the global warming deniers were right Are you prepared to take a 50-50 gamble on the habitability of the planet? In just 1400 words he manages to cram in just about every...
At New Matilda, Sarah Burnside argues that: The simplest and most compelling argument for addressing climate change is humanist in nature. As human beings, we must take seriously our need to care for each other, whether at the specific level of provision of universal...
Has Climate Porn Already Tipped?
At the BBC's Earth Watch blog, Richard Black takes a different perspective on the recent survey of the British public (well, 500 of them, anyway) and Climate Porn that we covered in our last post. Among the emails that arrive in my inbox regularly on climate change,...
Folie à Deux
Reading it is enough to make you want to stop breathing... On the desk in front of me is a set of graphs. The horizontal axis of each represents the years 1750 to 2000. The graphs show, variously, population levels, CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, exploitation of...
The Age of the Age of Stupid
It is telling that parts of the environmental movement attempt to ram home their message by telling the rest of the world that they are stupid for not getting it. As we have shown here on Climate Resistance, some argue that psychological mechanisms might be to blame...
Genetically Modified Climate 'Science'
Someone else who isn't entirely wrong this week is Lord Bob May of Oxford. It's quite refreshing to hear the former Royal Society president and government chief-scientific adviser having a go at Big Environment for a change instead of Big Oil: Parts of the green...
Beware: Health Warnings
Speaking of self-fulfilling prophecies, which we often are, Stu has a feature in today's FT magazine about the negative impacts on our health of precautionary health advice: Worried Sick What if health warnings could make us ill? Actually, they can - it's called the...
No Fire Without a Smokescreen
In far flung corners of the globe, where tedious matters of grim reality tend to be of greater concern than the theoretical possibility of the ravages of global warming, there seems to be a growing realisation that, to generate interest from the western media in stuff...
Auntie’s Tall Tale Of Daddy Long Legs
It's always fun to trace the chain of Chinese whispers between primary research and scary news stories about the ravages of climate change. Many BBC science stories are particularly easy to trace back to source, based as they are on a single scientific paper, from...
The Great Danish Pastry Swindle
The climate conference in Copenhagen that ended this week produced a barrage of startling headlines, many of them from just one man. On Tuesday, the Guardian's junior climate alarmist, David Adam surprised us with an uncharacteristically non-doom-laden article:...