Following our breakdown of the expertise comprising the IPCC's WGII, we've now done the same for WGIII, “Mitigation of Climate Change”. First, the numbers: Of 270 contributors, 66 were from the USA and UK. We haven’t been able to establish the expertise and discipline...
Physician, Heal Thyself.
NOTE FROM THE EDITORS. 13 December 2008. This post is linked to from other sites more than any other. This has lead to criticism that we have been dishonest in ignoring the scientists in IPCC WGI, which is where the bulk of the scientific analysis is done. It is true...
Save the Planet or the Puppy Gets It
Over at Gristmill, Andrew Dessler complains about the list of 400 sceptical scientists who seem to challenge the "scientific consensus": The question is: does their opinion matter? Should you revise your views about climate change accordingly? The question is then,...
The Great Big Bali Beano Ding-Dong Roadmap to Nowhere
What is there to say about Bali? There have been rumours of punch-ups, singing and drinking and dancing, weeping delegates, and Mea Culpa's from failed US presidential candidates on behalf of the entire USA. It was, in this sense, like any other industry's Christmas...
Lucas and the Majority of Some Scientists
In a conversation about EU policy on restricting CO2 emissions from aircraft, on BBC Radio 4's Today program, this morning, Caroline Lucas, Green MEP for the Southeast region said Well, when you hear scientists say that we have about eight years left in order to...
Is Atheism Just Another Fundamentalism?
That's the title of a debate on 22 August at the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Climate-Resistace editor Stuart was one of the speakers, with John Gray, Mark Vernon and Ron Ferguson. His talk went a bit like this...Just so you know… I don’t believe in God. And...
Scientific Consenseless
Writing in New Scientist this week, James Hansen tells us that the scientific community (you know, those 'thousands' of specialised scientists at the IPCC) are wrong, and have massively underestimated the extent of polar ice melting as a consequence of anthropogenic...
56 Per Cent of You Are STUPID (Or is it Just Ipsos MORI?)
Ipsos Mori are about to publish some research they've done, Tipping Point Or Turning Point? Social Marketing & Climate Change Phil Downing, head of environmental research at the company, and one of the report's authors appeared on yesterday's Today program on BBC...
What the Papers Don't Say
Over at Prometheus, Roger Pielke Jr makes a good point about how the actual views of IPCC reviewers often don't make it into the papers. This sheds some light on this story, and perhaps even this one, too. It's not simply the views of "sceptics" and "deniers" that...