The BBC reports that... Eight of the UK's leading environmental groups have joined forces to urge political parties to adopt a joint approach on green issues. These eight are the usual suspects - Green Alliance, Friends of the Earth, the Woodland Trust, WWF, the...
Make Us Let You Eat Less Cake
We've flagged up Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband's relationship with climate activists before. When he's not snuggling up to Franny 'Age of Stupid' Armstrong, he's egging on airport protesters and comparing them to past popular movements: When you...
Hansen On ‘Democracy’
Our last post was about Guardian journalist, David Adam, and his inability to reflect critically and impartially on the climate debate. That’s not to say he’s biased… That would miss the point. Which is precisely what Adam does. Adam believes that ‘the science’ is...
Rhubarb-Rhubarb and Custard
First, the custard. Then, the rhubarb-rhubarb: Direct action historically has been a major way that we've got change. I mean, you can look at, historically, through the Suffragettes, through the miners' strikes, through all of the major changes. Yes, some of it is...
Plane Selfish
Ridiculous, self-indulgent, self-absorbed, self-righteous, and self-important protest outfit, Plane Stupid broke into Stansted Airport today, to delay the reopening of a runway. The group's website quotes one of their number, 21 year old Tilly, "We're here because our...
The Party Without People
Caroline Lucas again again. In the New Statesman today, talking about the Green Party’s upcoming leadership contest, she says, There is another crucial reason why Britain needs Green leadership now. Voter turnout at all elections has been falling. Fewer than one in...
Barr Barr Green Sheep
So, Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr has congratulated Al Gore on his stance on global warming. Former Vice President Al Gore and I have met privately to discuss the issue of global warming, and I was pleased and honored that he invited me to attend...
Polls Apart
One of our major gripes with Environmentalism concerns the claims made by its adherents that it is some sort of popular, grass-roots movement. Time and again, polls suggest otherwise. And yet these polls are rarely, if ever, reported in terms of the undemocratic...
Who Are the Real Climate Criminals?
If there's one thing that's supposed to annoy us British about Americans, it's their environmentally unfriendly ways. And not just George Bush and his Exxon-funded cronies. It's the whole lot of them – as highlighted by the recent ABC News poll where "global warming"...
On Friday, we wrote about the US 'Friends of the Earth', who have enlisted James Hansen in their campaign to censor a book on American politics because it might give the impression that there's something to discuss. Somehow we managed to miss this gem of a page on the...