Yesterday, we had a bit of a go at a philosopher for his naughty, anti-democratic (if unconsciously so) world view when it comes to saving the planet. Well, it turns out that Marc D. Davidson ain't got nothing on David Shearman and Joseph Wayne Smith. You don't need a...
Climate Deniers Are Slaves to Democracy
On the New Scientist (which is neither) blog last week, Catherine Brahic, the rag's online environment reporter was struck by a paper published in the journal Climatic Change. Brahic summarises: Davidson claims that historical hindsight shows how preposterous the...
Friend (of Democracy) or FoE?
A single press release; double standards. Yesterday, in response to the UK's proposed climate change bill, Friends of the Earth UK director, Tony Juniper said: We’re delighted that the UK is set to become the first nation to introduce legislation to cut its...
Emissions Policy Policy Omission
Hilary Benn, Environment Secretary, son of Tony, successor to David Miliband, announced on Monday that the target of 60% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050 set by his predecessor may not be enough. This comes in the wake of the Tories trumping the 60% figure, with...
Carbon Neutral Policy Surfeit
Apologies for being off-line recently. It’s been summer, we’ve been busy, and there’s been less news around. Now that the Summer is over (did it ever really begin?), we’ll be back with more regular postings.********The Liberal Democrats announced last week their plans...
A Nation all Trussed
The Guardian reports that the National Trust - a conservation charity that owns 1.5% of England, Wales and Northern Ireland - is to jump on the bandwagon reinvent itself by turning its membership into "the largest green movement in the world". Founded in 1895 by...