Infinite Regress

In a recent post, we looked at some of Green MEP Caroline Lucas's arguments for action on climate change. One of them has stuck with us as especially absurd, and merits further attention: this planet has finite resources. You cannot go on growing indefinitely on a...


Sir Nicholas Stern, author of the famous Stern Report, which underpins many an argument in favour of climate change mitigation, is behind a 'carbon credit reference agency' launched today. “If we are to attract the levels of finance necessary to make this a mainstream...

Bottom Feder

A link to this article came our way... Procreation is killing the planet, and traditional religion is to blame, Global-Warming cultists insist. First the industrial revolution had to go. Then it was to the wall with oil company executives, those malignant Carbon...

Who Are the Real Climate Criminals?

If there's one thing that's supposed to annoy us British about Americans, it's their environmentally unfriendly ways. And not just George Bush and his Exxon-funded cronies. It's the whole lot of them – as highlighted by the recent ABC News poll where "global warming"...

Left, Right and Wrong

When we were wondering why Environmentalism is often assumed to go hand in hand with the political Left, we suggested that Environmentalism and the War on Terror had similar roots in the politics of crisis and fear. A commenter named Harry made an interesting point...

What's Left About Green?

Our stance on the climate debate is often assumed - with approval or derision, depending on who's doing the assuming - to reflect a wider Conservative outlook. We wouldn't want people <cough> to go around thinking that Climate Resistance is some sort of...

How the Marxists Have Fallen (For It)

Over at Political Affairs, which promises "Marxist Thought online", an article published today warns that, according to the latest IPCC report, Mass extinction of species is likely within 60-70 years, on a scale larger than most of the five major extinction events...