This is a big post in two parts. The first is our take on the current story about the Himalayan glaciers. The second is a similar case of non-scientific research being passed off as 'science'. A story in the Sunday Times demonstrates the murky nature of the process by...
Fat People are Killing the Polar Bears (Again)
Last year we mentioned Ian Roberts' theory, as reported in New Scientist, that fat people are responsible for more than their fair share of global warming, and, in order to get a snappy headline out of it, we tied it into another New Scientist article, which was...
US Presidential Candidates in “Ties to Industry” Shock
Catherine Brahic, "New" "Scientist"'s online environment reporter continues to reflect the magazine's confusion between environmental science and environmental politics. If I didn't know better, I'd say "so much for the pulling power of oil money". Reports suggested...
Imminent Shortage of Stories for "New" Scientist
(Or "Global Production of Alarmist Story-Lines Past Peak" or "Gloom-Mine Reserves Increasing According to Demand" or "New Scientist in Search of Renewable Sources Of Gloomy Stories" or [INSERT OWN HEADLINE HERE]) An editorial in last week's (19 Jan) New Scientist...
Climate Deniers Are Slaves to Democracy
On the New Scientist (which is neither) blog last week, Catherine Brahic, the rag's online environment reporter was struck by a paper published in the journal Climatic Change. Brahic summarises: Davidson claims that historical hindsight shows how preposterous the...
Environmentalism Causes War
Hey, who needs politics or history when we have climate science? New Scientist reports on a new study that finds (not for the first time ) a correlation between climate change and war, the implication being, of course, that the former causes the latter."Our basic...
Fat Swedish Men are Killing the Polar Bears…
Another gem from the New Scientist, caught our eye - though even they don't seem to be taking this one too seriously. The fact that women travel less than men, measured in person-kilometres per car, plane, boat and motorcycle - means that women cause considerably...
Scientific Consenseless
Writing in New Scientist this week, James Hansen tells us that the scientific community (you know, those 'thousands' of specialised scientists at the IPCC) are wrong, and have massively underestimated the extent of polar ice melting as a consequence of anthropogenic...
Fat People are Killing the Polar Bears
Two recent gems from New Scientist magazine... First up, Climate Change Sceptics Criticise Polar Bear Science, a story about some bad scientists, funded by bad money, who have apparently published some bad science in what is presumably a bad science journal, for bad...