It’s not often we agree with George Monbiot. We cannot change the world by changing our buying habits ... I have always been deeply suspicious of the grand claims made for consumer democracy: that we can change the world by changing our buying habits. But then again,...
The Well Funded World Wide Fund for Fear
We reported earlier in the year how claims that a 'denial lobby' had influenced public opinion on climate change were totally at odds with reality. The UK's Royal Society, for example wrote an open letter to Exxon in 2006, accusing it of funding these sceptics. The...
The AGW Debate Descends to ‘Science’
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) issued a statement last month, outlining its position on global warming... The Earth's climate is now clearly out of balance and is warming. Many components of the climate system—including the temperatures of the atmosphere, land...
Scientific Theory or Sinking Ship?
According to a new theory, people who fail to act to reduce their CO2 emissions are similar psychologically to rats.Many people know about the dangers of global warming, but only few act... On the one hand, human beings get stubbornly comfortable in their habits. On...